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Young European Journalists zu Besuch im Zeitungshaus Bauer

Im Rahmen des diesjährigen eTwinning Projektes „Young European Journalists United“ besuchten am Donnerstag, den 21. Juni 2018, Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jahrgangsstufe 9 des Differenzierungskurses ‚Fit for Europe‘ das Zeitungshaus Bauer. Sie hatten die Gelegenheit, die Produktionsstätte der Marler Zeitung zu besichtigen und ein Experten-Gespräch mit dem Journalisten, Herrn Leyk, zu führen.

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Beeindruckend waren zunächst sicherlich die großen Papierrollen, auf denen 20 km Papier aufgerollt liegt. Pro Zeitungsausgabe werden 8 Rollen dieses Materials benötigt. Herr Leyk erläuterte die Produktionsphasen einer Zeitung, betonte, dass das Zeitungshaus Bauer seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1831 die Bürger im Recklinghäuser Vest zuverlässig mit Nachrichten versorgt und über lokales und regionales Geschehen informiert.

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Wenn Schülerinnen und Schüler selbst ihre journalistische Tätigkeit erprobt haben, dann interessiert sie natürlich, wie ein Profi das macht. Deshalb schloss sich an den Rundgang ein Interview mit dem Journalisten an. Es interessierte die Gymnasiasten, zu erfahren, wie aus Nachrichten ein Zeitungsartikel wird. Welchen Standards muss echter Journalismus genügen? Nach welchen Kriterien werden Nachrichten ausgewählt? Wie sieht der Tagesablauf eines Journalisten aus? Gibt es auch unter Journalisten ‚Schreibblockaden‘? Was macht eine Nachricht qualitativ wertvoll? Wie viele Menschen mit welchen Berufen arbeiten für das Medienunternehmen?

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Was die Schülerinnen und Schüler bei dem Besuch gelernt haben, erfahren Sie hier:

Here are my questions the journalist answered:

How long does it take to publish news? - News can be published within a day, meaning something that happened today can be in the newspaper the next day.

How many articles do you write a week? - He writes about 10 articles a week. Journalist from other departments might even write 30 to 100 articles.

What do you enjoy most being a journalist? - His working times are variable and he has a lot of fun, since it is not boring.

Do you often/occasionally get a writer`s block? - Yes, definitely.

Than Thao Dang, 9 b

The only visible difference in sizes is noticable at the weekend, when there are additional layers of paper. The extra papers are usually special articles that are only published at the weekend or these are advertisements from some companies. 

One article is written by one person. That person looks up all the information and gets calls or help from a colleague, but only one person can work on an article. 

Leoni Funke, 9 c

What happened to the newspaper when Hitler ruled Germany? - The chiefs of the newspaper were out of order and it was censored very much. Hitler used the newspaper for propaganda, too. Nonetheless it was published all the time.

Marie Berit Otys, 9 b

Report about our trip to the “Medienhaus Bauer“

Last week on June 21st, 2018 we visited the Medienhaus Bauer and Mr. Leyk, a journalist there, made a guided tour through the Medienhaus Bauer. We started at the huge printing machines, Mr. Leyk explained, which steps are necessary to get a newspaper. That was pretty incredible, because I never thought that there are so many individual steps, until the newspaper is finally printed and ready to be delivered. Moreover, he told us something about the history of the Medienhaus Bauer, that was very interesting, especially the fact that it is the oldest Printing house of Germany, because I did not imagine that in our boring town there is such an old machine. After that we went to a big room and we watched a movie about the Medienhaus Bauer. The movie was very exciting, because it showed in very precise details, how much work is necessary to print a newspaper. Last but not least, Mr. Leyk took the time to answer each of our prepared questions about his work as a journalist. I asked a question, too and I got a very detailed answer.

All in all it was a worthwhile trip, because it is very advantageous to listen, as a Young European Journalist, to a real journalist, who gave us an insight into his work.

by Marcel Sharifi, 9b

Visit to the Media house Bauer

On June 21st, 2018 my class and me visited the Media house Bauer. With the help of journalist Randolf Leyk we were able to see the whole process of how a newspaper develops.

At the start we met him at the entrance and he told us that the Media house Bauer already exists since 1831. After that we saw the big machines where the newspapers are getting printed. To print all the newspapers for the next day you need 8 rolls of paper, which weigh about 11 tons and the printing process lasts for 6 hours. But the Media house Bauer does also print normal magazines, but the printing process for them only takes 4 hours. Per day 60.000 newspapers are produced.

To print the letters and images on the pages so called plates are used. They are in the colours yellow, black and blue and are stacked. With modern technologies letters and pictures get coloured in many different colours. After this printing process the magazines and newspapers are going through a machine called rollercoaster, which sorts them and adds the advertisement letters and also transports them to the packing station. These machines together cost 15mio. Euros.

After the tour had ended we grouped up in a business room where Mr. Leyk answered our questions, for example what the abilities you need to have to be a journalist are and what do you need to study. He answered: “You need to be perfect in orthography and grammar and have a writing talent. I personally studied communication and politics.“

That was my report about our class visiting the Media house Bauer.

by Robin, 9 b

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